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Trends in Labeling

Trends In Labeling


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Simple and bold labels seem to be making a comeback. These designs are effective because it limits the work the eye has to do in order to see what you’re trying to sell. By keeping your branding clear and concise you are able to eliminate the background print that make it confusing for the eye as well as keeping the eyes from wandering away from your brand. A trick to achieving this is to make the font you use something eye catching. Many artists and digital designers have found the market for selling and creating custom fonts. These fonts are incredibly inexpensive and give you the ability to brand your company’s name in a way you might not have been able to accomplish before. With simplicity in mind, you are also able to play around with textures that make your brand name pop such as metallic or even textured printing.

Let Colors Define Your Product

When looking at a product, before even reading the name or description, the eye will immediately catch the colors being used. A lot of products will stick with one defining color and your product may be lost in a sea of one color that may pigeonhole your company with similar color tropes. By utilizing this concept, you can immediately stand out from the rest. Using your company’s existing logo, you can change up the colors you use to speak to product variations while staying true to your product and minimizing design costs. A lot of big companies have been known to do this. The color red has been shown to increase an individual’s hunger levels, as shown by big fast food chains. Do research into your target audience and use psychological advancements to your advantage as well as to create a noticeable and recognizable brand.

Utilize Your Story

The story behind your company is completely unique and 100% yours. Dig deep into the history of where your brand has come from for an original take on your product. Work closely with your graphic designer and anyone else who has input into your company’s label to tell a story. Give as much information as you can to truly get your money’s worth for these designs and stick with the idea you have come up with. By doing this, you know for a fact that no one else will come close to having this design because it is completely and entirely your own story.

Specialty Die Cuts

A lot of companies have shied away from this particular design and branding route. This is due mostly to the fact that costs for this avenue are typically a bit higher. This is absolutely to your advantage because the products that come from specially die-cut labels are so eye catching and different. These designs attract immediate attention and make other label designs near is pale in comparison. This is true to so many industries. The small amount extra that you pay in labeling fees will pay off simply by being a unique design to so many buyers. Take advantage of the small increase in price to increase your sales with something completely unique.

Vintage Look

People shy away from the vintage design because they fear is has been done before or the feel their product will look old. On the contrary, there is a huge market for vintage products that will bring you back to “better times” when every product was made with love by Mom and Pop shops. This will give the feeling to consumers that this product was made with painstaking care the old-fashioned way. This will also give you the ability to take something old and put your own modern twist on it. You also appeal to both young and old demographics.

Eco-Friendly Packaging

This may go without saying but the demand for eco-friendly packaging is on the rise. It truly is becoming the next big thing in labeling – and for good reason. You are not only making a positive impact on the environment, but you’re making a positive impact on those you sell your products to. Everyone wants to feel that they’re doing their part to help the earth and by buying packages that boast that they were created using green technology, you are able to do your part and help them along the way. Not to mention that people are more likely to buy your product knowing that your company is doing their part to make their labels in a responsible manner.

Investing in Printing Equipment

There are many reasons to invest your assets into in-house printing and labeling. The first, and most important, is the ability to adjust and change your designs. You will have the ability to adjust your output based on your individual demands. If one product is selling better than you anticipated and you don’t want to have to wait on an outside company to label your next shipment for you, you have free reign to do whatever you like whenever you like – the ultimate freedom in labeling. We also understand that many small businesses may feel as though printing their own labels will be a hassle or a difficult process. It is actually easier than ever to get one of these machines and to operate them yourself. You can adjust and reprint using improved art files with little to no downtime to save your company time and money. This is also a huge bonus for companies that have to keep up with regulation such as the CBD market or pharmaceuticals. Creating and designing a completely unique label has never been this easy. In order to take full advantage of that fact it is necessary to keep up with other companies may be doing to stay ahead of them. No one else has your company’s history or backstory so use that to your advantage when you design the face of your company using labels.

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